Using Cut List Prep
Overview & Installation
Read more: Overview & InstallationAn overview of the Cut List Prep tool and how to install it on your Fusion 360 application
File Setup
Read more: File SetupLearn how to set up your Fusion 360 design file to work with Cut List Prep. Create a physical material for each type of stock your…
Read more: SettingsUse settings to define default stock sizes, kerfs, cut types, units, and optimizer targets. Defaults apply to new stock and can be overridden on a per-stock…
Build the BOM
Read more: Build the BOMCut List Prep scans your design file for parts and materials. This step is required before you manage stock or materials. Rebuild the BOM after any…
Manage Stock
Read more: Manage StockSet up standard stock parameters for materials you’ll export in your cutlist. Here you’ll define sheet and linear standard sizes, kerfs, grain direction, and more. These…
Manage Parts
Read more: Manage PartsDefine how your parts will be output to the CSV. Set group names for identical parts and grain directions, and suppress/enable part output to the file.…
Output CSV
Read more: Output CSVSave the CSV file to your local hard drive. This example outputs a file for OptiCutter.
Output CSV – Cut List Evo
Read more: Output CSV – Cut List EvoOutput a file for Cut List Evo. You can choose to export all parts in a single CSV file, or create one parts file for each…
Import to OptiCutter
Read more: Import to OptiCutterBring your CSV files into OptiCutter and create a cut plan. There’s one file per material, each containing the material’s specs and all associated parts. Once…
Import to Cut List Evo
Read more: Import to Cut List EvoImport your CSV file into Cut List Evo. There’s one file for stock and, depending on how you output the file from Cut List Prep, one…
Create Custom Material
Read more: Create Custom MaterialCut List Prep looks at the physical material applied to a body to group parts for a cutlist. This video explains how to use a copy…
Read more: UninstallUse the “Erase” command to remove all Cut List Prep data from your design. Any custom labels, grain direction, stock sizes, kerfs, etc., will be lost.…